This is the command-line bootcamp, a tutorial that teaches you how to work at the command-line. You’ll learn all the basic skills needed to start being productive in the UNIX terminal.
Table of Contents
If you look to your right, you’ll see there is a terminal that is actually running fully in your browser and simulate a fully functional Linux terminal! Unfortunately, due to browser restrictions, access to the internet from this virtual machine is extremely limited.
Be aware: When you close this browser window your virtual machine will be shut down and all changes will be lost.
The bootcamp tutorial text was adapted from the original by Keith Bradnam. The inspiration and tutorials (slightly modified) are from cli-boot project, which in turn used adventure-time project. Unlike adventure-time project, this project uses container2wasm as a virtual machine engine.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 International License
for text and Apache Licence 2.0 for code.